4 Services Provided to
Help Your Team Identify Weaknesses, Plus
Improve its Performance, So You Can
Achieve Your Most Challenging Goals
iTeam Consulting Group provides four unique types of services. They empower your management team to maximize each team member’s potential according to their work style.
Diagnose Team Performance Weaknesses
Before you know what needs fixing, you must first identify the problem(s). That’s why we eveloped two tests, the iTeam Teamwork Diagnostic and the iTeam Teamwork Assessment.
The iTeam Teamwork Diagnostic is a short survey that reveals how you rate your “team productivity” and discover hidden weaknesses and areas in that need improvement.
The iTeam Teamwork Assessment focusses on identifying how well each worker performs in teamwork. So, you can identify which “teamwork traits” are weak before we help you strengthen your team productivity.
Training to Improve Teamwork Performance
Our patented training program involves 12 training modules delivered digitally or in person over 12 months.
Each module is about an hour long, loaded with valuable insight on ways you can improve your teamwork performance.
The program emphasizes core values and culture. So, everyone on your team will know with clarity who your organization is and what it stands for.
The training program focusses on six traits of high performing teams. Research shows the big difference between top-tier and average organizations involve these six traits. They include:
- Accountability
- Communication
- Chemistry
- Common Goals
- Commitment
- Trust
Plus, the training program enables you and your team to discover work expressions. Work expressions can help your management team understand each members work styles. When everyone becomes aware of their work expression, they become more self-aware and work better in sync with other team members. The five work expressions include:
- Innovator
- Initiator
- Improver
- Instigator
- Implementer
Live Coaching
Iteam Consulting Group provides live coaching to augment what you learn in each module. The live coaching enables you to ask questions, share ideas and receive feedback on your progress.
Train the Trainer
We also train business coaches and trainers to use our patented training program with their own clients. Plus, we train Human Resource Managers on training their own employees without program. This enables you to have more autonomy in the promotion of our service.